How-To Use Fire Paste

By Adelia Ladson
Unless you're an avid camper or survivalist, you probably don't have many opportunities to build a campfire. When you do need to, on the family camping trip, the last thing you want is it to be a hassle, especially, in the face of a hungry family. With kids running around excited and a dozen tasks that need to be done to set-up your campsite, starting your campfire needs to be quick and easy.
What's Fire Paste
Coghlan's Fire Paste is a quick, clean fire starter that's an odorless paste of petroleum distillates and ethyl alcohol. But more than that, it's peace of mind in a tube! There's no flare-up, no splashing and it will even ignite damp wood. Not affected by heat or cold, Fire Paste is ideal for hikers, campers, hunters and fishermen.
How To Use Fire Paste
Watch the video below to see how ridiculously easy Fire Paste is to use. Just three easy steps.
- Take off the cap and use it to puncture the tube.
- Squeeze a little bit of the paste onto kindling wood.
- Apply a flame to the paste to ignite it.