Heirloom Survival Seeds

Variety Heirloom Seed Pack

Heirloom seeds are the ultimate survival food source. They are different from common store bought seeds because they are not hybrid seeds. Which means you can save your seeds from this year’s crops to replant the following year to continue your garden. Most common big box store seeds are hybrid and cannot have their seeds reused the following year. You would plant the seed and nothing would grow. But due to the heirloom, all-natural variety of these seeds, you could continue to plant and harvest bountiful gardens for generations. Our seeds can be planted in small raised beds to acre-sized survival gardens. The storage bags can be re-used to harvest and store your seeds from this year’s harvest.

3 Results
3 Results
$29.98 Price reduced from $49.99 to
50697 Variety Heirloom Seed Pack - Over 10,000 High-Quality Seeds, 35 Varieties Of Fruits And Vegetables, Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid USD 20.01 1 Chkadels Survival Gear CL2 Category L2 29.98
48482 Heirloom Vegetable Seed Bucket - 4,500 Seeds, 39 Varieties, Non-Hybrid, Non-GMO, 10-Year Shelf-Life USD 2 Wise Survival Gear CL2 Category L2 129.99
$69.98 Price reduced from $129.99 to
50673 600-Watt LED Plant Growth Light - IR And UV LEDS, Two Growing Stage Modes, Energy Efficient, Includes Hanging Kit USD 60.01 3 BUDK Survival Gear CL2 Category L2 69.98